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Sunday, March 15, 2015

Ruin-nation: or why new releases depress me.

In the dark days of my youth, my parents took us school shopping along with my not-yet school aged cousin and her parents. My brother, my sister, and I got all the supplies that were requested on the slip we got from the teacher. Since my cousin wasn't in school yet, she got a toy. As it was explained to me, “she would love to be getting school supplies, but we got her a toy so she would get something.”

That's what I hear with many of the new releases for Cygnar. Don't get me wrong, we have gotten some amazing stuff. The Stormwall revitalized 'jacks in the faction. The Stormblade Captain got me excited enough to buy two when I was in a year of playing another faction. We do get good things.

We also get a lot of less than stunning things. Constance Blaze, Triumph, and Artificer General Nemo (the 3rd one); come easily to mind.

With Reckoning coming out, Cygnar players are getting Dynamo, a fine 'jack that has the unfortunate distinction of being another attempt to get Cygnar players to play Nemo. While there are those that might consider Nemo to be amongst the best of Cygnar's 'caster, it is hard to argue that in the face of how little he shows at competitive events; much less places.

Enter Ruin. Just from the entry in No Quarter, Ruin is one of the top two 'jacks in the faction. (The other being Behemoth.) By himself, Ruin is really good. As a special issue for Orsus “the Butcher” Zoktavir, he is likely to be in every competitive Khador list; the Butcher being one of the most used 'casters in the faction.

On Ozmachine #28, the concept of playstyle came up. In this concept, a faction that excels with a certain type of tactic is likely to perform well for a player that thinks in line with that tactic. Ruin plays right into Khador's playstyle, and the Butcher's especially. Khador players get good stuff for playing Khador like Khador should be played. Ruin Khadors harder.

Then I look at Dynamo. Should I be playing more Nemo? If I play all the things designed to give the old man a decent chance in a fight, then will I find my play is rewarded for embracing what I turned awat from?  Cygnar's playstyle is all the lightings?  

So Khador players, when Ruin is Boundless Charging an old man and his electric company, think about how Cygnar players didn't want school supplies. We would like some new toys too.

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