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Monday, June 17, 2013

50 Points of Fiona the Black

Another Lock and Load fades back into memories. Some great times were had. I'll get into more of that at a later date.

It has been a while. Not necessarily by intention. I work full-time, I'm a full-time student, and I recently took up the mantle of Press Ganger. (Recent in terms of months from posting.) Perhaps some re-establishment is in order. Drink your grog and ready yourself, the press gangers are calling.

Nearly half the year is through, and I'm still rocking my Paradox Plunge 2013 pledge. Outside of demo games, I have only played Fiona the Black and Captain Phinneas Shae without the Commodore. The Commodore will soon be taken aboard, but I have some Sea Dogs to finish first.

Let's break down my Fiona list.

  • Fiona the Black
  • Rocinante
  • Sylys Wyshnyalyr
  • Full Nyss Hunters
  • Full Forgeguard
  • Minimum Boomhowlers
  • Full Long-gunners
  • eEiryss the Angel of Retribution
  • Gorman di Wulf
  • Ragman
  • Dougal MacNaille

In the post-Colossals meta ( or the local meta with all the Khador players), being able to put a serious amount of damage is a concern. This is where Fiona can shine. By making Eiryss an Arc-Node via Telgesh Mark. Arcing Affliction on a heavy target is a necessity. Once Afflicted, the target can be shot down by double shooting Long-gunners and other ranged elements.

Putting Nonokrion Brand on the Long-gunners can be helpful in keeping them alive. By hiding behind the trolls, your opponent has difficulty has difficulty getting them out of the fight. They can still shoot at anything on the other side of the trolls with the upkeep on. Guaging where their 14” range will hit is very important.

The Nyss and the Forgeguard are sweep and clear units. Someone has pushed something in their charge range without back up, then they can charge in and take it off the board. The Nyss can also serve as a back up for Telgesh Mark in the instance that Eiryss is killed, which a lot of players like to make a reality as soon as possible.

In the age of timed turns, it takes a lot of time to do its thing. Twenty plus ranged attacks on a target with a life-spiral or grid takes time. Talking with your opponent about how you might be rolling a column die with the to-hit roll may help reduce this. (Thank you for that bit of tech, Josh.)

Fiona's feat is pretty amazing. With a 14 inch control range, making everything in that range lose one die for attack and damage can be another turn of survival. Even better, if she feats when your ranged units are engaged, then you can often walk your troops out of melee with little fear of a free strike. It also helps keep them in the fight when your opponent retaliates on their turn.

Well, off to practice some unpacking, an issue with such a high model count army.

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